Antigua and Barbuda
Customs and Excise Division
Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance
Commercial and Non-Commercial Importation
When duty is to be collected on Non-Commercial Goods a declaration will need to be completed. Details of the Declaration to be inserted by the Importers include:
- Name of Importer
- Port
- Manifest Registration Number
- Bill of Lading / Airway Bill Number
- Number and type of Packages
- Customs Value of the Goods
Upon examination, the Customs Officers will record examination results on the declaration including the Description, Tariff Numbers, Customs Values and Weights of the Goods. The assessment and collection of the revenue will be executed through using the ASYCUDA system. Every Commercial Importation must be accounted for on a Customs Declaration.
Every Commercial Importation must be accounted for on a Customs Declaration.
Clearing Non-Commercial Air Cargo
- Collect documents from agent (waybill, , invoices etc)
- Proceed to Customs department for processing of submitted document
- Proceed to cashier with copy of processed declaration and pay duties
- Return to Examinations Officer with all documents to authorize release of cargo
Clearing Non-Commercial Sea Cargo
- Collect documents from agent (waybill, , invoices etc)
- Proceed to Customs department for processing of submitted document
- Proceed to cashier with copy of processed declaration and pay duties
- Return to Examinations Officer with all documents to authorize release of cargo
Please note, that once the shipment is over six (6) lines or has a value of $ 5,000 EC dollars or over. The importer will need to obtain the services of a Broker. The broker will complete particulars of SAD and submit through ASYCUDA. This applies to both Air and Sea cargo.