Antigua and Barbuda
Customs and Excise Division
Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance
Clearing Air and Sea Cargo
Clearing Non-Commercial Air Cargo
- Collect documents from agent (waybill, simplified declaration, invoices etc) and complete particulars of declaration section of simplified declaration.
- Present the goods and documents to Examinations Officer for cargo examination
- Proceed to Customs Officer for assessment of duties
- Proceed to cashier with copy of processed declaration and pay duties
- Return to Examinations Officer with all documents to authorize release of cargo
Clearing Non-Commercial Sea Cargo
- Collect documents from agent (waybill, simplified declaration, invoices, out of charge etc) and complete particulars of declaration section of simplified declaration.
- Present goods and documents to Customs Officer for cargo examination
- Proceed to cashier with copy of processed declaration and pay duties
- Return to Customs Officer with all documents to authorize release of cargo