Antigua and Barbuda
Customs and Excise Division
Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance
Comptroller's Message
Hearty welcome to the redesigned home page of Antigua and Barbuda Customs, you will find that the page is more user friendly, the tariff is now online for your information and use.

Our journey of reformation and modernization over the last eight years have been rewarding in terms of fulfilling to a large extent, our mission of “protecting and securing our borders whilst collecting revenues and providing high service standards in line with legislation and enabling a strong economy”.
We had set three strategic goals for ourselves and are guided by a 5 year strategic plan for2019-2024: (1) Optimizing revenue collection by leveraging technology and high service standards, (2) Exercise physical presence and controls over aviation and maritime cross-border movements of transport, goods and people, based on intelligence-led Risk Management and (3) Implement Customs-related Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) measures of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The single most intervention that enabled us to set sail towards achieving our goals is leveraging the technology to perform the customs operations efficiently. Implementation of Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) World in the first quarter of 2017 has transformed the way we process our imports and exports. With its inbuilt capabilities of advance manifest notifications, risk management regime and online declaration submission and processing systems, tangible savings have been realized in terms of significant reduction in processing and releasing times and elimination of paper entries while revenue collections have significantly increased.

On the border security front we have beefed up the protocols and intelligence gathering and retooled our frontline officers and staff and built technical capacities through Regional and International cooperation. On the operational front we are in account with important Regional and International intelligence networks for gathering useful security information to safeguard our borders.
In the year 2019, we have committed ourselves and formally declared our commitment to adherence to SAFE frame work of standards and protocols of the World Customs Organization (WCO). The framework is about Standards to secure and facilitate global trade. This unique international instrument ushered in modern supply chain security standards and heralded the beginning of a new approach to the end-to-end management of goods moving across borders while recognizing the significance of a closer partnership between Customs, Business and other government agencies.
This has a direct bearing in implementing TFA measures of the WTO. The website redesign and improved content is to implement the transparency, predictability and simplicity by publishing information for all the stakeholders in the supply chain as enunciated in the Article 1 of the TFA of WTO. We hope that the revamped webpage with logically and contemporarily loaded information will be of significant use.
Antigua and Barbuda Customs is a key player in facilitating an enabling environment for all the businesses, prospective investors and cross-border trade partners. The officers and staff stand in readiness for facilitating legitimate trade and investments.
I implore you to take full advantage of the service offered and invite you to be a beneficial stakeholder of the supply chain.
We also invite any suggestions to serve you better on various aspects of trade facilitation or any other related Customs matters.
In your Service,
Raju Boddu
Comptroller of Customs